The Importance of Mentorship for the Future Workforce

Millennials and Gen Z. Love or hate these generations, either way, they are the future workforce and they will inherit the planet soon enough. Actually, millennials are already occupying more and more senior positions, so they should be thought of as the leaders of today rather than the future.

Mentorship Improves Satisfaction in the Workplace

By now, most of us can agree that mentorship programs are important in building careers, expanding networks, and general professional and personal development. If the proof is really in the pudding, let’s explore just how important mentoring is by taking a look at some recent mentoring statistics.

Mentorship 101

Ever considered getting a mentor? A mentor is someone who helps you grow your skills, make decisions, and gain new perspectives on your life and/or career

Increasing Mentorship In Middle and Lower Income Countries is a Must

Mentoring is not a common practice in middle and lower income countries. Mentoring is the professional relationship where a mentor (highly experienced, highly regarded person) guides a mentee (a more junior colleague) in forging a career path ahead in their desired field. Mentoring relationships focus on both professional and personal development. In many middle and lower income countries, formal mentoring systems are rare and are largely unsupported.

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