How Organisations Can Navigate the Skills Shortage in the Current Climate
How Organisations Can Navigate the Skills Shortage in the Current Climate Across the world there are a number of skills shortages that are creating challenges for businesses. Whether it is the skills needed for new hires, or the skills needed to improve current processes, the ability to recruit and retain the right talent is […]
Are Micro-Credentials the New Higher Education?
Are Micro-Credentials the New Higher Education? Micro-credentials are certifications for specific competencies. They are based on a minimum standard of performance and can be issued by a designated agency. These new types of credentials will evolve differently around the world, but they will contribute to an increased talent pool and value-added capacity for employees […]
How Neuroplasticity Promotes Learning
How Neuroplasticity Promotes Learning Neuroplasticity is the natural ability of the brain to change. This can help you in many ways. It improves memory, problem-solving, and focus. In addition, it can help with depression. So, how can you use this natural ability to your benefit? Let’s look at some examples. Enhances memory Neuroplasticity is […]
How to Encourage Employee Development at the Workplace
How to Encourage Employee Development at the Workplace There are many benefits of encouraging employee development at the workplace. These include improving their work-life balance, fostering a growth mindset, and developing new skills. There are also some benefits to rewarding employees for their extra development efforts, such as recognizing their contributions in performance reviews. […]
How Remote Working Affects Traditional Mentoring
Work From Home Gives Rise To E-Mentoring
3 Tips For Accelerating Personal Development
How Self Awareness, Short Term Goals, and Mentors Create Growth
Why Do You Need Multiple Mentors?
Why Do You Need Multiple Mentorship Relationships?
Mentoring and the Modern Artist
Professional Development in a Difficult Career Path
The Importance of Mentorship for the Future Workforce
Millennials and Gen Z. Love or hate these generations, either way, they are the future workforce and they will inherit the planet soon enough. Actually, millennials are already occupying more and more senior positions, so they should be thought of as the leaders of today rather than the future.
Mentorship Improves Satisfaction in the Workplace
By now, most of us can agree that mentorship programs are important in building careers, expanding networks, and general professional and personal development. If the proof is really in the pudding, let’s explore just how important mentoring is by taking a look at some recent mentoring statistics.